NASA International Space Apps Challenge 2016 - Bulgaria
will take place over 48 hours on the 23-rd and 24-th of April 2016
NASA International Space Apps Challenge 2015 - Bulgaria
took place over 48 hours on the 11-th and 12-th of April 2015
under the patronage of Mr. Rosen Plevneliev, President of the Republic of Bulgaria
at betahaus - Sofia and Burgas Free University - Burgas
NASA International Space Apps Challenge 2015 - Sofia
NASA International Space Apps Challenge 2015 - Burgas
NASA International Space Apps Challenge 2015
Bulgaria will take part for the third year in NASA Intentional Space Apps Challenge. This is an event for mass collaboration, which is organised for the fourth year globally in the cities on all seven continents in the world.
This hackathon is part of a larger process of defining challenges relevant to earth and space, intensively working to prototype solutions, and subsequently refining and implementing the most promising prototypes. The International Space Apps Challenge is a model for innovation. The ability to contribute towards solving meaningful challenges is the most important motivator for most participants in mass collaboration.
Global winners from Bulgaria
Valkyrie - Sofia is ranked by NASA as a global winner in Best Use оf Hardware.
Rain-of-Fire - Sofia is ranked by NASA as one of the top five in Best Mission Concept.
Robo-Fabric - Burgas is ranked by NASA as one of the top fifteen in People`s Choice, and on the final round is the second in the globe.
Local winners 2015
Projects that competed on the global round
- Sofia - Rain of Fire, Best Use of Data
- Sofia – Valkyrie, Best Use of Hardware
- Sofia - AsteroidExplorer, People`s Choice
- Burgas - Forest Tracker, Best Mission Concept
- Burgas - Hackafe Maxi Flux Tracker, Galactic Impact
- Burgas - ROBO-FABRIC, People`s Choice
Projects, which recived aditional prizes
- Sofia – RoboKitty, The best women`s team
- Sofia – GreenPaperWorld, Innovators
- Sofia - Traveler in Space, Enthusiasm
- Burgas – Kee, The best women`s team
- Burgas – WED 2.0, Innovators
- Burgas – ROBO-FABRIC, Enthusiasm
More about the projects 2015 (here)
Global winners from Bulgaria
LeafZobe - Sofia is ranked by NASA as one of the top five in Best Use of Data.
Local winners 2014
- Best Use of Hardware - WED Weather Embedded Device
- Best Use of Data - Leaf Zone
- People's Choice - nasa-nex-climate-changes
- Best Use of Hardware - RAVEN
- Best Use of Data - Pocket Gravity
- People's Choice - BFU ROVER
More about the projects 2014 (here)
Global winners from Bulgaria
ChickBook - Sofia is global winner in People`s Choice.
GhOST - Sofia is ranked by NASA as one of the top five in Best Mission Concept.
Local winners 2013
- First place - ChicksBook
- Second place - GhOST
- Third place - Moonville - Bootstraping of Space Industry
Everyone can participate. Hackathons are technology development marathons that draw on the talents and initiative of bright minded volunteers – programmers, developers, engineers, technologists, designers, and anyone with a passion and desire to have an immediate impact on the world. They are open to anyone who has a passion for making a difference and are focused on developing real solutions to global challenges.
Registration will be available prior to the event and all individuals who are attending will need to register online on:
NASA International Space Apps Challenge 2015
Solutions can span the spectrum from concept ideation, to prototypes and working demos, to advanced applications ready for use. Each team will choose a challenge and will decide what solution/s to develop.
11 and 12 April 2015
The registration is open on
the 2d of March and
will continue until 11th of April.
Register on:
Sofia, betahaus
Burgas, Burgas Free University
and virtual from any location in Bulgaria
The challemges are announced on
Prof. DSc. Eng. Elena Shoikova
Currently prof. DSc. Eng. Elena Shoikova is a professor at the State Uniwersity of Library Studies and Information Technologies. Until 2012 was a professor at the Technical University of Sofia. She is a holder of PhD and DSC degrees. She has significant post-qualification research experience (more than 35 years’ experience). Prof. E. Shoikova has wide experience in a leadership role in the Research Laboratory on E-learning Technologies and Standards at the Technical University – Sofia and research group at Virtech. Her scientific and teaching interests are in the following areas: interdisciplinary applied research and innovation in Technology Enhanced Learning, Cloud Computing; Open Educational Resources, Digital Repository, Knowledge Management; Social Computing Applications, SCORM, IMS learning Design, Competency-Based Education; Software Engineering, ECAD. Prof. Shoikova has been involved in more than 50 projects from FP, PHARE, TEMPUS, SOCRATES ERASMUS, LEONARDO DA VINCI, national and university programs. She features a demonstrated capability to exercise independence in research, as evidenced by senior authorship of publications and invited presentations at conferences(more than 240 research papers and books). Experience of successful supervision of PhD students and contributing to undergraduate project supervision and Masters dissertations on taught programmes.
Assoc.Prof. Dr.Doyno Petkov
Deputy Director of the Institute for Space Research and Technology in BAS Member and Head of "International scientific cooperation programs" of BAS. He has also participated and managed many designs in the area of system analysis, design and computer applications (automation of scientific experiments) spectrometric measurements in remote sensing of the Earth and space, image processing and pattern recognition.
Ph.D Nikola Ralev
Nikola has many years of experience in various areas of software engineering ranging from mobile applications to SCADA systems for monitoring and control of industrial sites. As part of a team developing an innovative solution for distributed delivery of 'live online' video content, he wants to make HD streams available to everyone.Nikola Ralev co-founded Setelis Labs llc., a Bulgarian company that provides software services and IT consulting. -
Eng. Georgi Georgiev
Head office Burgas TechnoLogica PLC, with over 8 years experience in design, development and implementation of information systems. NET, Web Forms, Windows Forms, WPF, WCF technologies, and Data Warehouse with Oracle RDBMS technology, APEX, Warehouse Builder, Data Integrator. Recently, with a particular focus on mobile platforms and hybrid solutions. Lecturer in various courses of Oracle, UML system analysis and management of requirements in the learning center TechnoLogica.
Eng. Ivan Chichkov
Ivan Chichkov is a professional with over 17 years in mobile software industry. Since 1997 works in Nokia as SW developer in Nokia Infrastructure business unit, SW Architect and consultant for S60 (Symbian) OS and lead for Samsung Symbian operations consultancy group bringing number of devices to market. From 2009 built Windows Phone competences for Nokia and Accenture and helped the adoption of Windows Phone platform. Since June 2013 leading the SW Development for Bianor in Sofia. Ivan has specialized in Mathematics and Computer Science with the help of Mathematics High school in Plovdiv and Helsinki University of Technology.
Prof. DrSc. Andon D. Lazarov
Prof. DrSc Andon D. Lazarov works in the scope of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) systems designed for monitoring Earth surface, moving objects on it, in the air and Space. He is a member of editorial and reviewer boards of many international journals in USA, Canada, China, and Greece. He is a member of the IEEE-AES Society of USA, Trans Black Sea Region Union of Applied Electromagnetism of Greece, URSI committee – France, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, organizing committees of URSI – conferences, Recent Advances in Space Technologies (RAST) – Turkey, RADAR 2011- China. He has authored above 150 journal and conference papers and two books issued by InTech-Croatia and Wiley-England. For advancement in digital avionics he has been awarded with the David Lubkowski Award by IEEE and AIAA–USA.
Assoc. prof. Veselina G. Jecheva
Veselina G. Jecheva received her master degree in Computer Science and Economics from Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” in 1995. She received her PhD degree in Computer Science, especially Information Security from the National Laboratory of Computer Virology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, in 2005. She is an Associated Professor at Burgas Free University, Faculty of Computer and Technical Sciences, Bulgaria. Her research interests include information security, e-commerce, programming, Web systems.
Plamen Tanov
Plamen is an experienced software engineer who has been developing commercial software for more than 10 years. His innovative thinking, combined with his expertise, led him to the idea of a peer-to-peer solution that makes HD video live streaming available to everyone. Consequently he co-founded Viblast LLC., a P2P video delivery software solution.
Ph.D. Kamen Kozarev
Kamen Kozarev hоlds a Ph.D. in Astronomy from Boston University, and is currently a postdoctoral research fellow at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. He is also interested in informal, applied science education, and has been a member of the Space Challenges team for over two years. His research focuses on modeling and observing solar eruptions. He has worked on several NASA-funded projects.
Eng. Sofronii Dimitrov
Sofronii Dimitrov studied in The National High School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences "Academician Lyubomir Chakalov" in 1991 with major in Mathematics. After that he studied in The St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia and graduated in 1999 with a Master’s degree. From 2000 to 2008 he worked in KIAD department (Ministry of Interior) as an expert. In March, 2008, he started working in EASY ASSET MANAGEMENT. First, he worked there as a Programmer, Project manager and a Manager of ‘Development and software’ department. From July, 2010, he became an IT director. At the moment he is a Managing Partner in consulting company called 11235 Ltd
Evelina Prodanova
becomes interested in the development of the personality and its characteristics while she is a student at the Mathematics and Science High School in Bourgas, Bulgaria. May be she inherited it from her father (psychologist and university professor) or from the dynamic and constantly changing environment. When she was still in high school she participated and was rewarded in National Psychological and Philosophical Conferences.
In 2006 Evelina starts to work with the American Company Southwestern. Since 1868 Southwestern Company has been organizing a Sales and Business Management Internship Program for students, teaching them how to run their own sales business and acquire selling skills, improve their communication skills, team-working skills and develop their leadership potential. Evelina finishes her first summer with good results and gets invited to participate again on a student management level. Five years later Evelina is ahead of the Bulgarian group and leads a team of 60 people.
She finishes her Southwestern career in October 2012 when she decides to continue with her education here in Bulgaria and signs up for a Masters Course in Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” in Organizational Behaviour and Consulting of Organizations. Evelina has a Bachelors degree in Publishing, from the same university. During the summer of 2014 she is honored with a scholarship for the Summer Entrepreneurship Program in Babson College and The Institute of International EducationUSA, given by America for Bulgaria Foundation.
Currently Evelina works in the BPO sphere, being a Software Support Manager. She is a co-founder of the Brain Workshop Institute and is currently sitting on the Board of the Association of Bulgarian Leaders and Entrepreneurs. -
Georgi Baldzhiev
Собственик съм на фирма ТараСофт от 1997ма година. Занимавал съм се с развитието и реализацията на различни софтуерни прокети, като - най-големият женски портал в България, - един от няй-големите имотни портали, информационна система за обслужване на дейноста на БТА, работа по проекта за мобилност в държавната админнистрация и много други.
Nickolay Riskov
CIO Digimark Studio Ltd - Responsible for the technological direction of a company. Proposes budgets for programs and projects, purchases and upgrades equipment, supervises computer specialists and IT workers, and presides over IT-related projects. iOS and Android developer, Java developer, Responsible for development process of iPhone and Android mobile software, Develop applications for iPhone and Android devices. Computer skills: Swift – acquired from Digimark Studio Ltd.(6 months experience), Obj C – acquired from Haemimont AD and Digimark Studio Ltd. (4+ years experience – Master), Java (Android) – acquired from Haemimont AD (1 year experience – Basic skills), Unity3D – acquired from Haemimont AD, C++ - acquired from high school, university, Java – acquired from BSS EOOD, C# – acquired from BSS EOOD, PHP & MySQL – acquired from a course at University (very basic skills).
Доц. Драгомир Добруджалиев
Доктор по Информатика, шифър 01.01.12, Тема на дисертацията: ”Компютърно прогнозиране и проектиране на състави на органични и силикатни системи посредством адитивни методи“. Доцент, шифър 02.10.09 “ Процеси и апарати в химичната и биохимичната технология”. Над 180 публикации в специализирани научни издания у нас и в чужбина, над 120 доклади на Национални и Международни конференции и симпозиуми с цитати в САЩ, Япония, Русия, Бразилия, Испания, Италия, Словакия и др. Участие като изпълнител и ръководител в Национални (35бр.) и Международни Проекти (с Белгия, САЩ, Унгария, WB, Австрия, Холандия, Англия, Черна гора и др.). Основател на Учебния изчислителен център на ВХТИ-Бургас, въвеждал в учебния процес на бъдещите инженер-химици всички поколения ЕИМ ( АИМ”Аналог-3”, МЕИМ”ИЗОТ 310”, МУИС „ИЗОТ 1016-С”(СМ-4), 8 и 16-разрядни микрокомпютри( „ПРАВЕЦ-82”, ИЗОТ 1031, ПРАВЕЦ-16, IBM и др.), стационарни и преносими МК. Създател на първите Компютърни Обучаващи Системи (КОС) и Автоматизирани Системи за Обучение(АСО) за целите на обучението в Университет „Проф. д-р Асен Златаров”-Бургас. Автор и съавтор на над 24 учебни програми, над 28 учебници и учебни пособия в стандартен и електронен вид.Хонорован преподавател в Полувисшия институт по машиностроене и електротехника „Хр. Смирненски”-Бургас(), Англо-българския технически колеж, със седалище в гр.Съри, Англия, БСУ(1991-2006 г.). Експерт и консултант в Българския Виртуален Университет.
The event Space Apps Challenge 2015 - Bulgaria is organised through collaboration and partnership among science community, universities representatives, business organisations, NGOs and students volunteers.
betahaus | Sofia is the first coworking space in Bulgaria, one of the largest in the region and part of one of the most successful coworking networks in Europe with branches in Berlin, Barcelona, Hamburg, and Sofia. Based in the heart of Sofia, betahaus is one of the best event venues in city. We educate, entertain and boost a new generation of leaders. betahaus | Sofia brings together the best from the creative scene in Bulgaria — startups, founders, freelancers, VCs and innovators — from all sectors to inspire and be inspired." |
Burgas Free University /BFU/ was established with an Act of The Great National Assembly on 18 September 1991, and is one of the first non-state universities in the country. The University is accredited by the National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency and is certified under the International Quality Standard ISO 9001:2008. BFU is a modern and innovative university, caring for its students and their professional realization, and which has significant academic achievements and an internationally recognized status. BFU is a member of the European Universities Association /EUA/. It has signed Agreements of Cooperation with 36 universities and organizations in Europe, America, Asia and Africa. It works under joint international projects with more than 100 universities and organizations. BFU is a partner of UNESCO under the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Prpgramme, and is a host institution of UNESCO Chair on Culture of Peace and Human Rights. |
Ministry of Education, Youth and Science
Ministry of Education, Youth and Science support the Space Apps Challeneg 2015 - Bulgaria:
BAS - Space Research and Technology Institute
The mission of SRTI-BAS is the conduct of fundamental and applied studies in the field of Space Physics, Remote Sensing of the Earth and Planets, and Aerospace Systems and Technologies. The priorities of SRTI-BAS are: solar-Terrestrial and Space Physics (solar wind, magnetospheric and ionospheric physics, high and middle atmospheric physics, space weather); high-energy astrophysics, galactic cosmic rays; medico-biological studies, space biotechnologies, heliobiology, telemedicine; design, development and transfer of methods, instrumentation and technologies for remote sensing of the Earth, regional and global monitoring of the environment and security; research in the field of obtaining and application of new superhard materials; development of innovative aerospace instrumentation and technologies, as well as their transfer to economy.
State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies
In the last 7 years the State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (SULSIT) has become one of the most prestigious higher education institutions in Bulgaria. Alongside the traditional specialties – Library Studies and Bibliography, Library Management, Print Communications and Computer Sciences, the University offers unique specialties such as Information technologies, Information Brokerage, Information Security, Information Collections of the Cultural and Historical Heritage, Information Resources of Tourism, Information Technologies in the Court Administration, Software Engineering. SULSIT has all forms and degrees of education, including the so-called PhD School. The University supports huge scientific research in the different areas where it provides educational services.
Burgas Free University
Burgas Free University /BFU/ was established with an Act of The Great National Assembly on 18 September 1991, and is one of the first non-state universities in the country. The University is accredited by the National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency and is certified under the International Quality Standard ISO 9001:2008. BFU is a modern and innovative university, caring for its students and their professional realization, and which has significant academic achievements and an internationally recognized status. BFU is a member of the European Universities Association /EUA/. It has signed Agreements of Cooperation with 36 universities and organizations in Europe, America, Asia and Africa. It works under joint international projects with more than 100 universities and organizations. BFU is a partner of UNESCO under the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Prpgramme, and is a host institution of UNESCO Chair on Culture of Peace and Human Rights.
"Education and demographic issues" Directorate, Municipality of Burgas
„Education and demographic issues“ Directorate is part of the specialized administration of the Municipality of Burgas. The Directorate coordinateс the activity of the municipal schools, kindergartens and auxiliary units for organization of the education process and interacts with the Ministry of Education and Science, in accordance with the requirements of the Public Education Act. The Directorate ensures and controls the compulsory preschooling of children and compulsory schooling of students up to the age of 16, the funds for the maintenance, construction, furnishing and overhauling of schools, kindergartens and auxiliary units, the means requisite for the fulfilment of the state educational requirements, as well as for financing all sections of the curriculum in municipal kindergartens, schools and auxiliary units. It also provides conditions for canteen catering, for boarding houses, recreation, sports facilities and transport for children, students and teachers. The experts from „Education and demographic issues“ Directorate develop and create conditions for implementation of municipal, national and international educational programmes and projects.
Junior Achievement
Junior Achievement is the world’s oldest, largest and fastest-growing non profit economic education organization. JA Bulgaria educates and inspires young Bulgarians to value free enterprise, business, and economics to improve the quality of their lives.It prepares them to succeed in a global economy. Established in 1997, Junior Achievement Bulgaria is a member nation of Junior Achievement Worldwide (JAW) and its regional entity Junior Achievement –Young Enterprise Europe (JA-YE). Junior Achievement Bulgaria is the first and foremost organization in Bulgaria offering top-notch programs and courses in business, economics and the development of the entrepreneurial spirit through educational and hands-on activities in economics, financial literacy, business skills, leadership and strategies for success. JA-YE enterprise and economic education programmes are designed for young people ages 6-25 and are implemented through a partnership between local businesses and schools.
NOVA Idea Foundation supports young people in Bulgaria who want to turn their ideas into a successful business. We strive to create environment where entrepreneurs and young professionals flourish, to incubate companies with global outreach.
Space Challenges
This is the biggest educational program in the field of space science and high-technologies in Bulgaria. The main idea is to create a stable and adequate space education at national level and foster innovative business solutions, led by young people. The initiative involves a range of leading experts from NASA, ESA, Caltech, MIT, Stuttgart University, French National Space Program, United Nations, Stanford University, University of Oxford and others. The goal is to develop creative solutions that would foster a strong connection between education and the economy. Our efforts are aimed at helping young people to acquire knowledge and skills and to apply those at creating innovative companies and organizations.
ICN.Bg (Internet Corporated Networks) is the biggest Bulgarian web hosting company, specialized in providing state-of-the-art web hosting solutions for corporate clients as well as individuals. ICN.Bg offers shared hosting, cloud hosting, VPS, dedicated servers, colocation, domain names and much more. All our services are with world class quality and supported by a professional 24/7 technical support team, friendly attitude and competitive prices.
Hacker School BG
Hacker School BG is a training environment free of any charge for talented, young people with motivation, who like challenges and seek them, and for all those who want to keep moving forward everyday. The team of Hacker School BG offers free of charge qualified education and training in the area of programming and new technologies. We, Hacker School BG, believe that people's capacities are limitless and we are ready to provide all of our knowledge and energy so that they can achieve their dreams. A leading role in Hacker School BG have our partners - high-tech companies ready to give the best students the opportunity to practice the gathered skills in real-life projects. Hacker School BG is a project of Telebid Pro. Telebid Pro is a software company providing expertise in the area of private cloud technologies and server solutions. Driven by technologies, innovations and creativity, the company has established a qualified team of 14 specialists with more than 10 years of experience in software design and development. The systems developed by Telebid Pro operate in more than 10 countries and continuously evolve in order to meet new opportunities and challenges.
CloudSigma is an innovative Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) provider based in Zurich, Switzerland. CloudSigma was founded to meet the growing need for a pure IaaS that places little or no restrictions on how its users deploy their computing resources. We are proud to have been chosen as a 2013 Cool Vendor by Gartner and a Top 25 cloud company in both 2010 and 2012. The founders of CloudSigma were frustrated with the current market offerings which required users to jump through hoops to migrate their current server setups to the cloud. We fixed that problem by building our own cloud stack that delivers real utility computing in the cloud for the first time.
DigiMark is a mobile software development company providing tailor made applications for the four major mobile platforms iOS, Android, Blackberry and Windows Phone. The company's specialty is in developing cloud based cross platform apps, which are available for large variety of devices and platforms providing dynamically manageable solution in the same time. The DigiMark team is powered by inspired and motivated young software developers and managers. The company is providing tailor made mobile solutions for clients all around the world including American, European and Asian market. -
Persy Ltd.
Persy Ltd. is a system integrator and a manufacturer of high quality server and computer systems. The company has over 20 years of market presence and continuously implements leading ideas and technologies in its production. Persy has an ISO 9001:2008certificate, which guarantees excellent organization of the trade, manufacturing and service processes. The registered trade mark„STINGER”, possessed by Persy, gives the customers uncompromised 36 warranty on labor and components. All server and computer systems pass checks for quality, stability and compatibility with the most popular operating systems. The qualified specialists of the company offer to the customers a comprehensive service – from the evaluation and formulation of the requirements through the design and assembly of the systems to their full integration.
Maksoft is a leading web design company in East Europe. We have created and maintain hundreds web sites with the unique Content Managment System. We have an alogrythms for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Online Reputation Managment (ORM). Maksoft is a wholesaler and importer of promotional pens, I-Pens, usb flash, lighters, keyholders, bags.
Eurocom is a Bulgarian television channel with a national coverage. Eurocom is a private and an independent media that have launched a broadcasting since the 1996. The channel of Eurocom covers more than 6 million viewing audience in Bulgaria. Eurocom offers a thematic selection of various programs - news, talk show, series and sports.
Megalan Ltd. is rapidly growing company working in various fields such as - copy shops Mania Print, Internet hall Mania, Advertising Studio Mania Design, Computer and IT services are just some of the directions in which we successfuly develop -
Setelis Labs
Setelis Labs provides software development services. The company is focused on helping their clients plan, build and expand their software products. Its skilled and highly motivated team have the expertise to handle complex custom software projects using a vast array of technologies and software processes. Besides the most-used programming languages today, the Setelis Labs team is proficient in less popular technologies such as Erlang and WebRTC.
Komfo is the leading IT company in Scandinavia that provides an innovative subscription-based social media management system. From the outset, Komfo has focused 100% on the commercial opportunities offered by Facebook’s platform and, for that reason, was the first Scandinavian company to be accepted onto Facebook’s Preferred Developer program at the beginning of 2010. Our product has a very strong position in the Scandinavian market with more than 450 customers, including 7-Eleven, Audi, Maersk, Microsoft, EA Games, Sony Ericsson, Bestseller, L’Oreal, Red Bull, ECCO, HBO, The Body Shop, Siemens, Sony Playstation, Samsung and more.Our offices in Denmark and Bulgaria currently employ 65+ experienced and motivated professionals.Now Komfo is looking for such people in Burgas and we strongly believe we will find you. Check out our open positions at:
TechnoLogica Ltd.
ТехноЛогика ЕАД, водеща българска софтуерна фирма, която от 1990 г. развива комплексна дейност в сферата на информационните технологии и която в рамките на своите обществено-отговорни дейности е реализирала различни проекти в помощ на образованието, обявява награда за предложения за бъдеща експозиция на Детски интерактивен център за наука и техника TechnoMagicLand.
Bulsatcom is a Bulgarian Technology Company investing in innovations and modern technologies. It is the largest pay TV provider in Bulgaria offering over 100 digital TV channels (incl. exclusive content) as well as internet access.
IDG.BG is a media web site focused on the geeky, nerdy side of life. Created by tech & science enthusiasts, its content covers various science,tech, web and sci-fi topics and the business news and trends related to them. In IDG.BG, you can find all sorts of red-hot geeky and nerdy stuff, like what new exciting discoveries NASA and ESA have just made, what happens on Mars, which are the newest mobile technologies and why it is fun to have them, what are the coolest web trends right now, which great sci-fi movie you should watch, how amazingly high is the price paid for the most expensive comic book ever, etc. The site also offers an Apps section where you can find a catalogue of lot of different kinds of apps for various OSs. Note that the application grants access to the latest news in the web site. It offers easy navigation and an option for quick sharing on Facebook and Twitter.elta 3 Real Estate TM is designed to meet the demand of individuals and corporate clients in real estate. The main activity of the company is consulting and brokerage for buying and selling, renting and leasing of apartments, offices, garages, houses, land, buildings, retail space. For this purpose, Delta 3 Real Estate has a young and ambitious team of professionals with extensive experience in real estate. DELTA 3 seeks to protect the interests of its customers. We strive to take out the stress and make buying/selling/renting/leasing real estate in a pleasant and rewarding process. -
U.S. Embassy in Bulgaria
The men and women of the United States Mission to Bulgaria are committed to strengthening the partnership between the United States and Bulgaria. Using the highest standards of professional excellence and personal integrity, we focus our efforts in three priority areas: Security: As NATO allies, we seek to enhance our mutual security as well as regional and international stability; Prosperity: As commercial partners, we work to increase bilateral trade and investment that promote stable growth in both economies; and Democracy: As democratic societies, we cooperate to expand good governance and strengthen the rule of law within Bulgaria.
"I, Engineer"
“I, Engineer” is the first common initiative of Inter Expo Center – Sofia and “Dreams in action” Foundation. The aim of the Youth Career Forum "I Engineer" is to bring together leading technology companies on the Bulgarian market, and meet them with young professionals, students and high school students across the country. The organizers want to show them that SCIENCE and INNOVATION are happening in our country, and opportunities for professional development in Bulgaria are many.
AIESEC is a global platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential. AIESEC is a non-political, independent, not-for-profit organisation run by students and recent graduates of institutions of higher education. Its members are interested in world issues, leadership and management. AIESEC provides environment to the students that helps them develop trough learning by-doing. AIESEC in Bulgaria has 3 programmes for students-Global Talen, Global Citizen and Futute Leaders. AIESEC was founded in 1948, Stockholm.Over 65 years later AIESEC is present in 126 countries and territories. In Bulgaria AIESEC was founded in 1990 and today has representatives in Sofia, Ruse, Plovdiv, Veliko Tarnovo, Svishtov, Varna and Blagoevgrad.
The Association of the Bulgarian Leaders and Entrepreneurs (ABLE) is a vibrant community of enterprising young people who are united by a common goal to contribute to the growth of the community and society. The members of the organization are alumni of the Bulgarian Young Leaders Program (BYLP), organized by America for Bulgaria Foundation. ABLE has around 250 members coming from different educational and professional backgrounds such as entrepreneurship, economics, law, technologies, architecture and many others. ABLE`s mission is to develop active civil society, inspire leadership and promote entrepreneurial culture in Bulgaria. Learn more about ABLE and its projects: and
District "Studentski"
District "Studentski" is one of the twenty-four regions of Sofia Municipality.It is situated in the southeast area of the capital. The name comes from “Studentski grad”(meaning Student city), which is part of itsterritory. According to the urban plan of Sofia Municipalitythere are five residential complexes in the region: j. k. "Mladost 1"; j. k. Darvenitza; j. k. "Studentski grad"; j.k. "Malinova Dolina" and "Vitosha" square. District "Studentski" is unique with the territory of “Studentski grad”, where six universities, one college and two subsidiaries areconcentrated, and nearly 30,000 students educate. District “Studentski” has two municipal,one state and two private schools, six kindergartens, a nursery and a babykitchen and lots of sports facilities and sports centers. Since 2007 Mayor of District"Studentsiki" is Mr. Dimitar Dilchev. -
Center for Creative Training
Център за творческо обучение провежда образователни програми за деца, учители, както и редица други дейности. Фокусът на организацията е в балансираното и всеобхватно развитие на личността чрез интензивни програми за творческо обучение. Центърът сътрудничи успешно с редица училища, детски градини, също така и с общини и Регионални инспекторати по образование. От началото на 2014 г. Центърът развива своя проект и запазена марка „Креативна Класна Стая“, като подкрепя и насърчава учебни заведения от цялата страна да внедряват ефективно технологии за преподаване и администрация. Центърът за творческо обучение, също така, е единствен координатор за българия на "Space CampTurkey" в гр.Измир,. Космическият център годишно приема 100 българчета, някои от които участващи със стипендии.
National Youth Forum - Bulgaria
National Youth Forum - Bulgaria /NYF - BG/ is the biggest formal youth platform in Bulgaria, uniting 40 youth organizations representing through member organizations over 105 000 young people. The organization's mission is to represent the interests of young people in Bulgaria and their needs, putting forward the meaning and importance of youth organizations, their development and participation in social and socio-political processes and ensure effective structural dialogue through cooperation with relevant stakeholders institutions and decision-makers in the youth policy.
Brain Workshop Institute
Brain Workshop Institute is an organization, community and professional network of young seekers. We gather together to share professional and academic experience, to build contacts and friendships, to share expertise and know-how. The Institute is a nonprofit organization and it was created on 10.10.2010. Come check us out ...
BBC Knowledge
BBC Znanie is a source of intelligible and interesting facts about the world around us. The interesting and comprehensible articles as well as the rich palette of photographs make the magazine attractive to both children and their parents. Not only BBC Znanie provides answers to many questions, but it also provokes new ones.
Delta 3
Delta 3 Real Estate TM is designed to meet the demand of individuals and corporate clients in real estate. The main activity of the company is consulting and brokerage for buying and selling, renting and leasing of apartments, offices, garages, houses, land, buildings, retail space. For this purpose, Delta 3 Real Estate has a young and ambitious team of professionals with extensive experience in real estate. DELTA 3 seeks to protect the interests of its customers. We strive to take out the stress and make buying/selling/renting/leasing real estate in a pleasant and rewarding process.
"Bulgarian Science"
"Bulgarian Science" is an online magazine published by "Bulgarian Science" Ltd. and "Science Forum" Association. Since launched in the winter of 2005/2006, it has developed at a fast pace by offering the visitors various and interesting new information, opportunity for self-expression and connection with people with the same interests. The magazine quickly became the largest and most dynamic scientific online community in Bulgaria. After the launch of "Bulgarian Science", it managed to win the readers and enthusiasts to post their own material and to offer ideas for improving the magazine itself. The main idea behind the project is to be distributed for free on Internet and to provide the best possible, interesting and detailed information about science, making it available to as many online users as possible. The content of the magazine is full of popular science articles and current research papers and studies. The magazine is getting more and more popular among the young people.
Over 48 hours on the 11-th and 12-th of April 2015
Sofia, betahaus, Lozenetz, Krum Popov 56-58 str., Sofia 1421 (map)
Burgas, Burgas Free University, 8001, Burgas, 62 San Stefano Street (map)
and virtual from any location in Bulgaria
Registration will be available on the 2d of March and will continue untill 11th of April. All individuals who are attending will need to register online on:
Everyone can take his/her laptop. There will be some available, but may be not sufficient. The participants can use some tablets supported by Center for Creative Training - Sofia, and a computer laboratory/is at the Burgas Free University - Burgas.
Everyone can participate - developers, engineers, technologists, designers, and anyone with a passion and desire to have an immediate impact on the world. They are open to anyone who has a passion for making a difference and are focused on developing real solutions to global challenges.
Each team can be formed by one or more participants. The international collaboration is highly encouraged.
You can send an e-mail to the local lead from that location or send an e-mail to titled - COLLABORATION!
The teams can work on one or more challenges.
Each one team will upload the projects through the main web site option using the username and password made at registration. This option will be available prior the event.
The projects will be defended in front of the local judges. The teams can defend their idea with a presentation.